Friday, October 8, 2010

Hi, my name is Nicolás Domeniconi, I'm from Argentina, Buenos Aires and I have a passion for sailing. I started when I was young with the Optimist, which I called "Tazmania" but after it got too small for me I left this sport for a couple of years until I started navigating a H20 called "Flash" that is a 20' sailboat. It is not very comfortable to sleep in it since it is small, but is one of the best ways to learn sailing without any troubles at all, specially in the "Rio de la Plata" river (where I sail) in where the water depth is very low and it has some strong weather.
Now, I have upgraded the H20 to
a H26 (26'), called "Halcón II" that is a big change for me since it is much more comfortable and stable as it is heavier, but still have a nice performance.Enough introduction of my sailing experience, which is not that much yet, the idea of this blog is to create different articles regarding sailing as for example, part and equipment of a sailboat, sail manouvers, sail parts and how to prepare them, different knots and how to manage the ropes, how to navigate with bad weather and what we should know about the weather before going out, and much more...
If you have any questions, feel free to l
eave me a comment and I will get the answer for you.
This week I will start with the basic concepts of what is a sailboat, different kind of sailboat and their parts and equipments.

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